サガミオリジナル 0.02 XLサイズ (二代目) 1 個入 ポリウレタンコンドーム
EAN コード4974234813582
Sagami Team invested 10 years time and successfully developed the world's first Sagami Original XL-size PU condom, measuring 61mm in width, and 3mm wider than Sagami Original L-size condom. You might think, “Only 3mm and it took 10 years?” Yes, the challenge in engineering an XL-size ultra-thin condom is huge, and ensuring maximum quality in millions of productions without a fault is a mission impossible. Yet Sagami accomplished it! The 3mm wider took the brand 10 years of effort.
Sagami's pride, Sagami Original 0.02 XL-size PU Condom is making its debut in Hong Kong. It is hoped that Sagami Original XL-size PU condom can bring more unforgettable intimate experiences to couples of diverse cultures in this vibrant city.




Sagami Original offers standard size, L-size and XL-size. If the condom is "too large", "too loose" or "too tight", "too short", stop using immediately.
- *コンドームの使用は、必ず1個につき1回としてください。膣以外への使用は、脱落や破損の危険性が高くなります。
- *避妊の方法は、 AIDS を含む性的な伝染病 (STI) と妊娠から完全に保護することはありません。